Love is one of those things that I think people have some sort of taboo against. For me, I have no reservation when it comes to the word. I bet I couldn't even count how many times a day I tell people I love them. I think the word is underused and I don't know why people are so intimidated to say it. I'm sure I say it a whole lot more than I hear it, but I guess I'm okay with that... it's just part of what makes me Jenni Clark.
Love is more than just a word, an expression. Love can be seen in a child's eyes when they finally learn how to do something. It can be heard in the shrieks of children playing. It can be heard in a baby's laugh. It can be seen in a beautiful sunrise or a snow angel. Love is all around us, we just need to learn to open our eyes and our eyes and see it.
Don't be intimidated by the word.
I love you. Pass it on.
Washington, NC
cool catch!